Melissa Ianetta is the Executive Director of Writing and Communication, the Class of 1958 Professor of Communication, and the interim chair of the School of Literature, Media, and Communication. Her scholarship includes works on peer tutoring and writing program administration that have appeared in Writing Center Journal and WPA: Writing Program Administration; essays on disciplinarity that have appeared in College Composition and Communication, College English, PMLA, and Rhetoric Review; and research on editing practice that have appeared in WPA: Writing Program Administration and College English. With Dr. Lauren Fitzgerald of Yeshiva University, she co-authored The Oxford Guide for Writing Tutors: Practice and Research, and, for five years, they collaboratively co-edited Writing Center Journal, work for which they received the Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial or Design Achievement. Drs. Ianetta and Fitzgerald were co-recipients of the Ron Maxwell Leadership Award from the National Council on Peer Tutoring in Writing. Dr. Ianetta’s recent courses include graduate seminars on research methods and writing program administration as well as first-year writing seminars focused on writing culture and empirical research. Dr. Ianetta currently edits College English.